IM DL350-01EN
When Monitoring CAN Bus, LIN Bus or SENT Signals
When the Data Type (Value Type) is Unsigned or Signed
Selectable range: The settable value is determined from the bit length (Bit Count) of the relevant sub channel.
Resolution: Scaling factor (Factor)
When the Data Type (Value Type) is Float
Selectable range: (The span between the upper (Upper) and lower (Lower) limits of the display range) × 2
Resolution: (Span × 2)/48000
When Acquiring Position Information (GPS)
Selectable range:
• Latitude: −90.000000 to 90.000000°. Positive is north latitude; negative is south latitude.
• Longitude: −180.000000 to 180.000000°. Positive is east longitude; negative is west longitude.
• Altitude
When the measurement range (Range) is 3276.7 m: −3276.8 to 3276.7 m
When the measurement range (Range) is 32767 m: -32768 to 32767 m
• Velocity
When the measurement range (Range) is 655.35 km/h: 0.00 to 655.35 km/h
When the measurement range (Range) is 6553.5 km/h: 0.0 to 6553.5 km/h
• Direction: 0.00 to 360.00°. 0° is north; 90° is east; 180° is south; 270° is west.
Trigger Hysteresis (Hysteresis)
Trigger hysteresis establishes a trigger level margin (hysteresis) so that the instrument does not trigger if the
signal level change is within the margin.
For each type of measured signal, you can set the hysteresis around the trigger level to one of the options listed
below. You cannot set hysteresis when the trigger source is set to Time, External, Line, or a logic signal.
Approx. ±0.1 div
Approx. ±0.5 div
Approx. ±1 div
Approx. ±0.5°C (K)
Approx. ±1°C (K)
Approx. ±2°C (K)
Approx. ±2.5% of the range
Approx. ±12.5% of the range
Approx. ±25% of the range
Approx. ±0.1 div of the range
Approx. ±0.5 div of the range
Approx. ±1 div of the range
Approx. ±0.01 div of the range
Approx. ±0.5 div of the range
Approx. ±1 div of the range
* The above values are approximate values. They are not strictly warranted.
6 Triggering