58 - 23/May/97
3.1 General Features
For serial communication, according to standard RS485, DBM drives are connected in
parallel (multidrop) and in "slave" configuration, whereas the CNC, the PC or the keyboard
are in "master" configuration.
This is because the protocol is configurated so that the drives are able to communicate only
if inquired by the master, to avoid contentions on the line. As a consequence, all the
commands have been configurated individually (single axis questioned), except those for
which an answer is not foreseen; therefore all the drives can be reached simultaneously.
There are 3 kinds of command:
status monitoring
Monitor commands on the status of the drive, which displays axis configuration and eventual
data monitoring
Monitor commands for displaying memorized motion parameters (eg. I limit=100%, etc.).
data (command) input
Execute commands for setting and changing parameters (eg. speed, pole number,
acceleration, deceleration, etc.).
Remark: if a mistake has been made while digiting,it is possible to reset the command by
pressing <CR> ( <CARRIAGE RETURN> ).
The commands are in ASCII format:
1 bit-start
8 bit-data
1 bit-parity even
1 bit-stop
Serial communication speed can vary from 1200 to 19200 Baud.
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