86 - 23/May/97
3.2.41 Command: SO - SPARE OUTPUT
it allows to set the Analog Outputs on J8 connector.
Parameters 1SO (1st module), 4SO (2nd module) and 7SO (3rd
module) determine which signal is to be seen at the Analog
Out 1 (J8 conn., pos.4).
Parameters 2SO (1st module), 5SO (2nd module) and 8SO (3rd
module) determine which signal is to be seen at the Analog
Out 2 (J8 conn., pos.5).
The possible outputs are max current, velocity reference and
velocity error. The internal velocity reference has the
slope limited by AC and DE commands and differs from the
reference at the input connector
The analog outputs can be scaled via ES command.
data monitoring(binary output):
address SO <CR>
data input:
address SO n <CR>
Address type:
1=Analog Output 1 for basic address 1 (see J8 connector, pos.4)
2=Analog Output 2 for basic address 1 (see J8 connector, pos.5)
4=Analog Output 1 for basic address 4 (see J8 connector, pos.4)
5=Analog Output 2 for basic address 4 (see J8 connector, pos.5)
7=Analog Output 1 for basic address 7 (see J8 connector, pos.4)
8=Analog Output 2 for basic address 7 (see J8 connector, pos.5)
Unit of measure:
0 to 9. Analog Outputs:
SO1=max current axis 1 of the module
SO2=max current axis 2 of the module
SO3=max current axis 3 of the module
SO4=velocity reference axis 1 of the module
SO5=velocity reference axis 2 of the module
SO6=velocity reference axis 3 of the module
SO7=velocity error axis 1 of the module
SO8=velocity error axis 2 of the module
SO9=velocity error axis 3 of the module
) addressing:
Opposite to:
See also:
Note: the SO command must be executed with digital Drive Enable disabled (via OF command) and the opto
Drive Enable enabled.
Example (see also the examples in ES command):
4 SO 6 <CR>:
sets velocity reference of axis 6 on Analog Out 1 (J8 connector, pos.4).
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