Chapter 8 - Operating Procedures
Revision 1
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
Test Internal Flag
The Test Internal Flags window will display the internal flag number, label, and state (Set or Clear) for
all internal flags in the system. This window will allow the operator to exit the window or change one
or more internal flag states to SET or CLEAR. To change an internal flag state, highlight the desired
internal flag to change and select SET or CLEAR at the bottom of the window. Then press the APPLY
pushbutton. Upon exiting the Test Internal Flags window, any changes made to internal flag states will
be ignored and the internal flag states will return to their original state.
Test Remote In
The Test Remote In window will display the controller number, controller name, controller input,
controller input type, controller input value, and controller comm. status for different controllers on the
network. Changes to parameters in the Test Remote In window are not allowed.
Valve Setup
The Valve Setup window will display the solenoid number, valve label, and valve confirmation for
each valve in the system. This window will allow the operator to change the valve confirmation mode
for one or more valves or exit the window without changes. The valve confirmation mode will be set
Valve Counts
The Valve Counts window will display each valve in the system and the count for each valve. The
valve count will represent the number of times a pneumatic valve has cycled (opened and closed).
This window will allow the operator to change the valve count for one or more valves or exit the
window. New valve counts will be written to the NV Data File upon exiting and saving the
Configuration Menu. To change the valve counts, select the solenoid of your choice by touching the
screen. Use the keypad to type in a numeric value. Press to accept the changes. Press the
button to exit the window.