Chapter 7 - System Description
Revision 1
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
Confidential and Proprietary Data
PT-5x PAL - This fault alarm could indicate low vacuum Venturi N2 supply pressure, a closed vent
circuit valve, or a blocked or undersized vent line leading from the module to the customer’s scrubber.
PT-5x PAH - This fault alarm could indicate a leaking purge gas isolation valve, manual process gas
isolation valve left open, or a plugged vent line leading to the customer’s scrubber.
PT-9 is Optional -
It monitors houseline delivery pressure downstream of the V-3’s and is installed for
increased reliability in the event V-3 should fail or the optional F-2 filter should clog. PT-9 alarms are
enabled after V-3 opens. PT-9 performs multiple functions. They are:
PT-9 Low Delivery Pressure - This fault alarm notifies the operator that houseline delivery pressure is
low. Low pressure typically means the regulator is set too low, the flow rate has exceeded the system
design, V-3 has failed closed, or F-2 is clogged.
PT-9 Low-Low Delivery Pressure - This shutdown alarm could indicate excess flow, a closed or
misadjusted regulator or valve, JT heater failure, heat trace failure, or a PT-9 failure. PT-9 shutdown
alarm on the module will be used to initiate a shutdown and interrupt the supply of process gas to the
PT-10x is Optional – one per process train.
PT-10A/B is the interstage pressure monitor, included
with the dual stage regulation option. This pressure transducer indicates high interstage pressure
between PCV-1 and PCV-2. PT-10 performs multiple functions. They are:
PT-10x PAH - This fault alarm indicates high process gas pressure between PCV-1 and PCV-2, and
could mean PCV-1 has failed, is creeping, or needs adjustment.
PT-10x PSHH - This shutdown alarm indicates high process gas pressure between PCV-1 and PCV-2,
and could mean PCV-1 has failed, is creeping, or needs adjustment. PT-10 shutdown alarm on the
active module will be used to initiate a shutdown and crossover to a second module, if available and in
standby mode.
PISL-36x is
Optional – one per process outlet -
PISL-36A/B is the coax monitoring pressure switch,
located on the module process out lines. It monitors the annular space between the process pipe and
protective coaxial jacket and initiates a fault alarm when pressure drops below 120 psig. The switch
serves two purposes. If a leak develops to atmosphere from the coaxial jacket, an alarm displays on
the controller. Similarly, if a leak develops from the process pipe into the coax annular space, an alarm
displays on the controller. The annular space should be charged to a pressure above 120 psig.
Optional – one per source container -
WT-1A1/A2/B1/B2 displays source container
weight, and has multiple functions. They are:
WT-1xy WAL - low weight fault alarm. This alarm notifies the operator that container weight is low,
and product will soon be depleted. It is enabled in both on-line and standby modes.