Chapter 7 - System Description
Revision 1
© Versum Materials, Inc. as of the revision and date shown. All rights reserved.
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Standard -
It is the low pressure vent dual isolation check valve. This check valve is located
in the low pressure process piping vent circuit, downstream of V-6x. Its purpose is to provide dual
isolation between vent piping process gas.
CV-7, V-7TPx, Vacuum Venturi
module is
This module contains CV-7, V-7TPx, and a
vacuum Venturi. It is located in the vent piping circuit immediately downstream of V-6x/CV-6x. In
systems with the source deep purge with Venturi option, there are also these components located on
the Venturi panel. Its purpose is to generate vacuum during pigtail purge sequences, prevent the
backflow of process gas into the nitrogen source, and provide a trickle flow of nitrogen into the
customer’s vent line when the Venturi is idle.
Optional -
It is the
gas back pressure prevention valve. This valve is located upstream
of V-10 in the HPLT leak check gas piping circuit. Its purpose is to prevent process gas from backing
into the HPLT leak check gas piping circuit or containers in the event of a V-10 failure. A 0.0010”
RFO is normally installed at the inlet to this component in order to limit HPLT gas flow.
Optional -
It is the
HPLT inlet isolation valve and it is only present when the HPLT option is
installed. This valve is located in a branch of the purge/vent piping circuit within the main cabinet. Its
purpose is to isolate the high pressure leak check gas from the vent piping circuit. It is actuated by the
AP11 controller during and change cylinder sequences. The flow of the HPLT gas is restricted by an
0.010” RFO.
Standard -
It is the
purge inlet isolation valve. This valve is located in a branch of the
purge/vent piping circuit within the main cabinet. When the Auto HPLT option is selected, its purpose
is to isolate the low pressure purge gas from the vent piping circuit only. It is actuated by the AP11
controller during and purge and change cylinder sequences. Unless a V-44 trickle purge valve is
installed, a 0.0255” RFO provides a flow restriction during source changes in order to preserve the
purge gas supply.
Optional -
It is the
HPLT/purge inlet trickle valve. This valve is located in a branch of the
purge/vent piping circuit within the main cabinet downstream of V-10 and V-11. Its purpose is to
restrict the flow of purge gas during container changes in order to preserve the purge gas supply. It is
actuated by the AP11 controller during and change cylinder sequences
It is the
houseline weld gas port. This valve is located on the low pressure side
of the process piping circuit, downstream of V-3 and upstream of the process out spool or spools. Its
purpose is to facilitate weld gas supply when making a piping connection to the houseline or another
Standard -
is the
Venturi isolation valve. This valve is located in the vent circuit,
upstream of the vacuum Venturi. Its purpose is to provide isolation between vent piping and the
vacuum Venturi, while a vacuum pump is connected to the VCR immediately upstream. It normally
remains open, and is only used for maintenance.