1) Create or delete cluster
2) Configure private IP address pool for member switches of the cluster
3) Add or remove a member switch
3. Configure attributes of the cluster in the commander switch
1) Enable or disable joining the cluster automatically
2) Set holdtime of heartbeat of the cluster
3) Set interval of sending heartbeat packets among the switches of the cluster
4) Clear the list of candidate switches discovered by the commander switch
4. Configure attributes of the cluster in the candidate switch
1) Set interval of sending cluster register packet
5. Remote cluster network management
1) Remote configuration management
2) Reboot member switch
3) Remotely upgrade member switch
1.Enable or disable cluster
2.Create a cluster
3.Configure attributes of the cluster in the commander switch
Command Explanation
Global Mode
cluster run
no cluster run
Enable or disable cluster function
in the switch
Command Explanation
Global Mode
cluster commander <cluster-name>
no cluster commander
Create or delete a cluster
cluster ip-pool<commander-ip>
no cluster ip-pool
Configure private IP address pool
for member switches of the cluster
cluster member {candidate-sn <cand-sn> |
[<mem-id>] }[password <pass>]
no cluster member < mem-id >
Add or remove a member switch