When a string for a command or keyword is entered, the Tab can
be used to complete the command or keyword if there is no
1.2.5 Help function
There are two ways in ES4700 series for the user to access help information: the
“help” command and the “?”.
Access to Help
Usage and function
Under any command line prompt, type in “help” and press Enter will
get a brief description of the associated help system.
“?” 1.
Under any command line prompt, enter “?” to get a command
list of the current mode and related brief description.
2. Enter a “?” after the command keyword with a embedded
space. If the position should be a parameter, a description of
that parameter type, scope, etc, will be returned; if the position
should be a keyword, then a set of keywords with brief
description will be returned; if the output is “<cr>“, then the
command is complete, press Enter to run the command.
3. A “?” immediately following a string. This will display all the
commands that begin with that string.
1.2.6 Input verification
Returned Information: success
All commands entered through keyboards undergo syntax check by the Shell.
Nothing will be returned if the user entered a correct command under corresponding
modes and the execution is successful.
Returned Information: error
Output error message
Unrecognized command or illegal
The entered command does not exist, or there
is error in parameter scope, type or format.
Ambiguous command
At least two interpretations is possible basing on
the current input.
Invalid command or parameter
The command is recognized, but no valid