Command: vlan <vlan-id>[name <vlan-name>]
no vlan <vlan-id>[name]
Create a VLAN and enter VLAN configuration mode, and can set VLAN name.
In VLAN Mode, the user can assign the switch ports to the VLAN. The “
no vlan
“ command deletes specified VLANs.
Parameter: <vlan-id>
is the VLAN ID to be created/deleted, valid range is 1 to 4094.
is the name that
create VLAN,
valid range is 1 to 16 characters
Command mode:
Global Mode
Only VLAN1 is set by default.
Usage Guide:
VLAN1 is the default VLAN and cannot be configured or deleted by the
user. The maximal VLAN number is 4094. It should be noted that dynamic VLANs learnt
by GVRP cannot be deleted by this command.
Create VLAN100 and enter the configuration mode for VLAN 100.
Switch(Config)#vlan 100
Switch(Config-Vlan100)# private-vlan
Command: private-vlan {primary|isolated|community}
no private-vlan
Configure current VLAN to Private VLAN. The “
no private-vlan
” command
cancels the Private VLAN configuration.
Parameter: primary
set current VLAN to Primary VLAN,
set current VLAN to
Isolated VLAN,
set current VLAN to Community VLAN.
Command Mode:
VLAN mode
There are three Private VLANs:
VLAN and
VLAN. Ports in Primary there are three Private VLANs: Primary VLAN,
Isolated VLAN and Community VLAN can communicate with ports of Isolated VLAN and
Community VLAN related to this Primary VLAN; Ports in Isolated VLAN are isolated
between each other and only communicate with ports in Primary VLAN they related to;
ports in Community VLAN can communicate both with each other and with Primary VLAN
ports they related to; there is no communication between ports in Community VLAN and
port in Isolated VLAN.
Only VLANs containing empty Ethernet ports can be set to Private VLAN, and only the
Private VLANs configured with associated private relationships can set the Access
Ethernet ports their member ports. Normal VLAN will clear its Ethernet ports when set to
Private VLAN.
It is to be noted Private VLAN messages will not be transmitted by GVRP.
Set VLAN100
300 to private vlans, with respectively primary