5. Display port-channel information for port-group1.
show port-group 1 port-channel
Port channels in the group 1:
Port-Channel: port-channel1
Number of port : 2 Standby port : NULL
Port in the port-channel :
Index Port Mode
1 Ethernet1/1 active
2 Ethernet1/2 active
Displayed information
Port channels in the
If port-channel does not exist, the above information will not
be displayed.
Number of port
Port number in the port-channel.
Standby port
Port that is in “standby” status, which means the port is
qualified to join the channel but cannot join the channel due to
the maximum port limit, thus the port status is “standby”
instead of “selected”.
5.3 Port Channel Example
Scenario 1: Configuring Port Channel in LACP.
Fig 5-2 Configuring Port Channel in LACP
Example: The switches in the description below are all ES4700 series switches and
as shown in the figure, ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of Switch 1 are access ports that belong to vlan1.
Add those four ports to group1 in active mode. Ports 1, 2, 3, 4 of SwitchB are access
ports that also belong to vlan1. Add these four ports to group2 in passive mode. All the