G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 4 Troubleshooting Guide
Error: invalid user password
A user password cannot begin or end with a space.
Spaces are not legitimate characters at the beginning and end of a password. Maybe you inadvertently
hit the space bar during password entry. Please reenter your password.
Error: invalid administrator password
Administrator password cannot begin or end with a space.
Spaces are not legitimate characters at the beginning and end of a password. Maybe you inadvertently
hit the space bar during password entry. Reenter your password.
Error: invalid resource name
Resource name cannot:
(1) Contain characters: * : " | < > ? / \ ` # $ & ( ) + ; ' .
(2) Begin or end with a space
The use of the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol from Windows, also known as CIFS or Samba,
lays some restrictions on the use of special characters. These restrictions have historical reasons, but
are still binding today. Resource names cannot contain any of the above mentioned characters. Note
that the list of invalid characters is slightly different than that for other name fields.
Error: invalid workgroup name
Workgroup name cannot:
(1) Contain characters: ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( ) + [ ] { } * ; : ' " . , % | < > ? / \ = `
(2) Begin or end with a space
The use of the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol from Windows, also known as CIFS or Samba,
lays some restrictions on the use of special characters. These restrictions have historical reasons, but
are still binding today. Workgroup names cannot contain any of the characters listed above. Note that
the list of invalid characters is slightly different than that for other name fields.
The invalid characters for workgroup names are different than the ones for other fields.
Error: invalid server name
Server name cannot contain:
(1) Characters: ~ ! @ # $ ^ & ( ) + [ ] { } * ; : ' " . , % | < > ? / \ = `
(2) Spaces
(3) Digits only