G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
How to use AppleTalk with the NAS server:
In the setup -> NAS server enable AppleTalk,
In setup ->NAS resources menu select a share that you want to be shared with AppleTalk,
Enable AppleTalk for this share.
Function: SMB settings fig 3.2.2c
This function allows you to edit SMB protocol specific parameters.
There are several options you can change:
Wins server IP
If you have a WINS server on your network then you should set this to the WINS server's IP.
Superuser is a user, who has permission to take ownership of folder and files which belong to other
users. It can be useful when the administrator wants to change access rights (ACL) for folders or files
established by other users. To give superuser privileges to a user, pick them up from the menu.
Superuser privileges include modify, remove and add new files in the share, also to any files and
directories including those that the superuser has not got the ownership of.
Simple and protected negotiation
Simple and Protected Negotiation (SPNEGO) is a negotiation protocol. If you use PDA Device to
access shares on NAS please uncheck it.
For connect to your PDA Device use netbiosname, not an IP address.
Figure 3.2.2c