G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
DHCP / Static
: You can use static or dynamic (DHCP) network interface configuration.
: If you want to dynamically get DNS address, select "get DNS".
When using static configuration of network interface, enter:
address IP,
If you set a new IP address, during activation, you will lose your connection to the server and you will
have to log in again. In the URL entry line of your browser, please enter the new IP address.
If you do not get access, please try the console to set new IP address. In order to access servers in
another subnet, you need to enter the address of a router as Gateway.
Note: In case you use a NTP server to maintain proper time & date, please make sure you have
proper Gateway and DNS settings.
When creating a bonding interface, a new branch “bond0” will appear. By clicking on the branch
“bond0” you have the possibility of bonding’s settings and removal (see below).
Function: Bond interface settings fig 3.1.1f
Here you can edit a bonding network interface.
To remove a network interface from bonding, select the “remove” button and click the "apply" button.
Bonding can be deactivated by unchecking the "Active" box. You can change bonding interface network
configuration by selecting the static or dynamic (DHCP) network configuration.
Each network interface that belongs to a bonding interface is described by the following fields:
Figure 3.1.1e