G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
3.3.6 MAINTENANCE Miscellaneous Menu Functions
Function: Save settings fig 3.3.6a
With this function you can store the configuration settings. You can save such setting as:
Select settings you want to store and click Apply. Settings can be saved locally on the server(it will be
visible in function Restore setting) and/or downloadable file. Each time you save settings locally, new
entry will be created and during restoring you can select witch settings to restore.
You can restore the settings using function Restore settings.
NOTE Settings will also be saved automatically every time the server is restarted or shut down. These
are stored in files following the naming convention auto_save_X / auto_save_last.
Function: Restore settings fig 3.3.6a
With this function you can restore the configuration settings (previously saved). You can restore
settings from files saved locally or upload configuration settings file(previously downloaded).For each
entry you can see configuration file name, date of creation and actions that can be applied. By clicking
Details action button you can select which settings to restore. To restore settings click on the
Restore action button.
You can delete configuration settings file by clicking Delete action button. You can download
configuration settings file by clicking its name. In order to upload configuration settings file(previously
saved) browse a file name and click on Upload button.
You can save the settings using function Save settings.
NOTE Settings will be saved automatically every time the server is restarted or shut down. They are
stored in files following the naming convention auto_save_X / auto_save_last. You will be able to view
and access these files in the Restore settings box..
Figure 3.3.6a