G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Function: Update virus definitions fig 3.3.5b
With this function you can update virus definitions. Select the mirror site from which definitions will be
downloaded. Select when the update should be made. If you select "now", an update will be made
instantly. You can select when the update will be made and how often it will check for updates.
Function: Update local virus definitions fig 3.3.5b
With this function you can upload virus database. In order to do this:
Click on button "browse" and select database file, downloaded from http://clamav.net/,
Click button "upload"
Two types of database file is supported: "daily" and "main". Database file should have "cvd" extension.
Function: Create new schedule for antivirus task fig 3.3.5c
By selecting the Antivirus Task, you can create a new schedule for a selected antivirus task.
You can enter a comment for the antivirus schedule.
Time select
You can start an antivirus task immediately by selecting Now from the Time select drop-down
list or schedule it for a later date.
Scan will be performed cyclically according to the interval value, e.g. if you select an interval of
1 h the share will be scanned every hour.
Figure 3.3.5c