G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Function: Active SMB users connections…fig3.4.3a
With this function you can view which users and IP addresses are currently connected to specific SMB
After clicking on a specific username in the left box, you will see a list of shares to which that user is
connected in the right box. Under the boxes you will also see the username, computer name and IP
address for this user.
Function: Active FTP users connections …fig3.4.3a
With this function you can view which users and IP addresses are currently connected to specific FTP
Function: Active NFS users connections …fig3.4.3a
With this function you can view which users and IP addresses are currently connected to specific NFS
Function: Active Appletalk users connections …fig3.4.3a
With this function you can view which users and IP addresses are currently connected to specific
Appletalk shares.
Figure 3.4.3a