G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
3.2.0 CONFIGURATION Menu Functions
This menu allows you to setup configurations to do with the Storage volume manager, NAS settings,
and NAS Recourses.
3.2.1 Configuration “volume manager” Menu Functions
Function: Unit rescan fig 3.2.1a
This function rescans your system for new units.
Function: Unit manager fig 3.2.1a
This function enables you to manage physical storage devices - units (hard drives or RAID-arrays).
After adding a new unit, you can define Logical Volume, swap, and space reserved for snapshot by
using the Volume Manager function.
Units can be added only when they are not in use already.
Disk notations:
S0,S1, ..., S[x] - every disk with S notation is one of SATA / JBOD / RAID units.
H0,H1, ..., H[x] - units with H letter are SATA units.
MD0,MD1, ..., MD[x] - this way are soft RAIDs denoted.
Note: If the unit is already added, it can not be removed using the GUI interface. Units that
are already used in a volume group can be made available again by using the Console Delete function
tool (Ctrl+alt+x). Be aware that this will remove all data from a Unit!
You can only use units with capacity greater than 5 GB, smaller units are not supported.
Figure 3.2.1a