G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
they cannot be used for volume replication
a share created on a WORM volume cannot be used as a destination share in a data replication
a share created on a WORM volume cannot be published via NFS and cannot be accessed via HTTP
(HTTP share access function)
a share created on a WORM volume cannot be used as an antivirus quarantine share
a share created on a WORM volume cannot host a local backup database
Note: Maximal NAS (N), iSCSI (I) and Fibre Channel (FC) volume size (with replication) is
limited to 4193120MB (megabytes).
If your volume (including volume replication) fails to be created, increase the Vmalloc
This can be done via the Hardware Console Tools (ALT+CTRL+W) -> Tuning
options -> Vmalloc
This option is available when creating an iSCSI (I) or Fibre Channel (FC) volume. It is here for security
reasons. The volume will be initialized after the creation process. There can be only one volume being
initialized at any one time. If there are more volumes to be initialized, a
indicator will appear
near the one(s) enqueued. Using the button next to the indicator you can send the initializing volume to
the back of the initialization queue. Every volume that is waiting for initialization in queue can also be
sent to the back of queue.
This option is available when creating a Fibre Channel volume (FC). Blocksize indicates the nominal
size, expressed in bytes, of a block of data. Possible values:
4098 bytes (default)
Blocksize has an influence on performance and space management. The greater the value the better
the performance, but data might take up more space. This option is unavailable when modifying a FC
volume or FC snapshots.
Note: When adding each new unit there will be 4 GB space reserved for Reserved Pool (if a
Reserved Pool has not been already created). Additionally, 1 GB of space is
reserved for internal
system use. Reserved Pool creates a small amount of storage capacity from the Volume and is used
for system features. This prevents users from
accidentally using all of the available free space that
would inhibit the use of certain features regarding Replication that is needed to draw upon to perform
properly. A
technical recommendation to any storage solution is to reserve a small amount free
space from the Volume, unless you are fully aware that you will not be needed utilizing this
feature in the future or for testing reasons.
Function: Snapshot definition fig 3.2.1c
Here you can set the logical volume to which the snapshot will be assigned.
You can set: