G A L A X Y N A S L X 5 C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Menu Functions
Drive Name Rule
Select the Use Drive Name Rules checkbox to automatically create drive names based on
the rules you specify. You can use drive name rules when a drive is first added to your configuration.
The default drive name rule creates names in the format VendorID.ProductID.INDEX. For example, the
default name for a Quantum DLT8000 drive is QUANTUM.DLT8000.000. You can update the global
drive name rule or create a local drive name rule. A global rule is stored in the EMM database and used
on all connected device hosts. The global rule is used for the drive name unless a host-specific rule, or
local rule, is specified.
Use any of the following drive attributes as part of a drive name rule.
Host name
Robot number
Robot type
Drive position
Drive position information varies depending on the robot type. Drive position information can be ACS
coordinates, TLM/TLH vendor drive name, or simply the robot drive number.
Drive type
Serial number
Vendor ID
Product ID
A Custom Text field is also available which accepts any of the allowable Media Manager characters.
Press Configure to use the name configuration wizard.
Host and Path Information
Specify the device host and path for the drive by pressing Add. You can specify multiple paths to the
same physical device. Adding multiple paths may cause the drive to become shared.
Drive Type
Specifies the type of drive that you are adding
Media Manager media types
Media Type