5.1 Display Sequence
In SV setting & Monitor mode, the following operations are possible.
Change the Set value (SV)
Change Memory Area
Monitor the Measured value (PV) and the Manipulated value (MV), etc.
When the power is turned on, the controller goes to this mode after self-diagnostics. Use this mode during
normal operation. To return to this mode from the Operation mode or the Parameter setting mode, press the shift
key while pressing the SET key.
With the Setting change rate limiter when the set value is changed, the displayed set value changes according to the ramp-up/down rate.
Parameters which are not related to existing functions on the controller are not displayed.
This instrument returns to the PV1/SV1 monitor screen if no key operation is performed within
1 minute. [Exempts, screen of (#) mark]
For the monitor screen, refer to
9.3 Monitoring Display in Operation. (P. 102)
For the memory area selection, refer to
9.7 Control Area Transfer. (P. 114)
Parameters related to multi-memory area function
Parameters displayed when function is specified.
Input 2_manipulated output value
(MV2) monitor
Display range:
5.0 to
105.0 %
Event monitor
"o" corresponding to each Event is lit
when the event is turned ON
(1): EV4 or LBA2
(2): EV3 or LBA1
(3): EV2
(4): EV1
Memory area selection
Selects the memory area (control
area) used for control.
Setting range: 1 to 16
Memory area soak time monitor
Monitors the time elapsed for
memory area operation (soak time)
when Ramp/Soak control by using
Multi-memory area is performed.
Display range:
0 minute 00.00 second to
9 minutes 59.99 seconds or
0 hour 00 minute 00 second to
9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds
Retrun to PV1/SV1 monitor screen
SET key
Remote input value monitor
Displays the remote set value
which is the control target value
in the Remote (REM) mode.
Displayed only when the remote
input function is provided.
Display range
Input 1_setting limiter low to
Input 1_setting limiter high
Input 1_set value (SV1)
Setting range:
Input 1_setting limiter low to
Input 1_setting limiter high
Input 2_set value (SV2)
Setting range:
Input 2_setting limiter low to
Input 2_setting limiter high
SET key
Input 1_measured value (PV1)/
set value (SV1) monitor
Measured value 1 (PV1)
Set value 1 (SV1) *
Remote state:
The remote set value is
Local state:
The set value is displayed.
Manual operation:
Manipulated output value
(MV1) of Input 1 can be set.
An MV scaling value (motor
RPM) is displayed in the
monitor state.
SET key
SET key
PV1 bottom hold value monitor
The minimum PV1 value (bottom
value) of Input 1 is held and
Display range:
Input 1_input scale low to
Input 1_input scale high
PV1 hold reset
PV1 hold value is reset when
the UP and DOWN keys
a simultaneously pressed.
PV2 peak hold value monitor
The maximum PV2 value (peak
value) of input 2 is held and
Display range:
Input 2_input scale low to
Input 2_input scale high
PV2 bottom hold value monitor
The minimum PV2 value (bottom
value) of input 2 is held and
Display range
Input 2_input scale low to
Input 2_input scale high
SET key
PV2 hold reset
PV2 hold value is reset when
the UP and DOWN keys
a simultaneously pressed.
Interlock release
Displays the interlock status.
Interlock status is release when
the UP and DOWN keys
a simultaneously pressed.
on: Interlock
off: Interlock release
SET key
Input 1_measured value (PV1)/
Input 2_measured value (PV2)
Measured value 1 (PV1)
Measured value 2 (PV2)
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
SET key
Input 1_manipulated output
value (MV1) monitor
Display range
Input 1_MV scaling low to
Input 1_MV scaling high
PV1 peak hold value monitor
The maximum PV1 value (peak
value) of Input 1 is held and
Display range:
Input 1_input scale low to
Input 1_input scale high
Input 2_measured value (PV2)/
set value (SV2) monitor
Measured value 2 (PV2)
Set value 2 (SV2) *
Manual operation:
Manipulated output value
(MV2) of Input 2 can be set.
SET key
Parameter setting mode, Setup setting mode, Operation mode, Engineering mode
Press the shift key while pressing the SET key.
Power ON
SET key
CC-Link communication status
Displays the CC-Link communication status.
Status number
For the CC-Link status number and its
contents, refer to
Instruction Manual [CC-Link]
SET key