8.14 Communication Function (F60)
The setting items “Car” and “Cab” displayed hereafter are not used in the HA430/930.
Communication protocol selection (CMPS2)
Use to select the protocol of Communication.
Data range:
1: Modbus 1 (Data transfer: In order of low-order word from high-order word)
2: Modbus 2 (Data transfer: In order of high-order word from low-order word)
10: CC-Link (1 station occupied 1 time)
11: CC-Link (1 station occupied 4 times)
12: CC-Link (1 station occupied 8 times)
13: CC-Link (4 stations occupied 1 time)
Factory set value:
0 (RKC communication), 2 (Modbus)
Related parameters:
Device address (P. 46), Communication speed (P. 46), Data bit configuration (P. 46),
Interval time (P. 47)
Communication (optional) must be specified when ordering.
If the Communication function is for PROFIBUS or DeviceNet, the selection of the Communication
protocol (CMPS2) becomes invalid.
For the details of communication functions (RKC communication/Modbus),
refer to the
Communication Instruction Manual (IMR01N13-E
. *
Refer to
Communication Instruction Manual (IMR01N14-E
Communication Instruction Manual
for DeviceNet, and
Communication Instruction Manual
for CC-Link.
8.15 Set Value (SV) (F70)
Setting change rate limiter unit time (SVrT)
Set the time unit for Setting change rate limiter (up/down).
Data range:
1 to 3600 seconds
Factory set value:
Related parameters:
Setting change rate limiter (up) (P. 38), Setting change rate limiter (down) (P. 39)
Soak time unit selection (STdP)
Use to select the time unit for Area soak time.
Data range:
0: 0 hour 00 minutes 00 second to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds
2: 0 minutes 00.00 seconds to 9 minutes 59.99 seconds
Factory set value:
Related parameters:
Area soak time (P. 40)