Rev. G
JUNE 2012
11. Default Operation with a Stylus
The stylus may be used
as a receiver
in any of the receiver ports. However, the button on the
stylus will only work when the stylus is connected to Station 1. The stylus functions as a receiver
with the electrical center offset from the tip of the stylus via software.
Operation of the switch on the Stylus will cause the following actions as a function of the various
FASTRAK commands and modes.
No other actions are possible.
In NON-continuous output mode pressing the switch defines to the FASTRAK system a ‘P’
command. When a
command (see page
) is entered via RS-232
or USB to enable continuous mode, the system immediately responds with output as defined in
the manual; however, when the Stylus switch is pressed, output is interrupted (but this cycle is
completed; i.e., all currently configured stations complete output for this cycle). The Stylus
switch then serves as a toggle for system output from then on until an RS-232 or USB ‘c’
command is issued. Each toggle will initiate or terminate a continuous stream of output that
begins with station one (1) and terminates (by a subsequent switch pressing) with output for the
last station in the cycle list.
Note that all output begins with the FIRST station (in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4) that is configured
ON and ends with the LAST station in the sequence list that is configured ON. Configured ON
requires both a proper selection switch at power-on, or enabling the station via the
command (page
Increment functions are as previously defined in this document. That is, if any receiver does
NOT move, since its last cycle, by an amount equal to or greater than its defined increment,
output is skipped for the receiver when the above actions cause an output.
A switch cycle takes 40 system cycles. At 8.33 msec per cycle, the switch is responsive at a
speed of 333 msec or about 1/3 second. In other words, if the switch is held down while the
system is in NON-continuous mode, an output cycle is generated as if a
) is entered at the rate of 3/second. If the switch is pressed twice
within the 333 msec window, the second pressing is ignored.
See the
‘e’ – Define Stylus Button Function
) for other options and
operational information.