Rev. G
JUNE 2012
rotation around the ‘Z’ or vertical axis. The term “yaw” is often
substituted for azimuth, especially in the context of flight.
Baud Rate
The signaling rate on a serial line. For example, to convey an 8-bit byte
normally requires at least two additional bit times, a start bit and a stop bit
so that synchronization is possible without a separate clocking line. For
example, such an arrangement implies for a 9600 baud rate conveyance of
data at a 9600*8/10 = 7680 bit rate.
Benign Environment
A tracking environment free of the need for special calibration or
compensation brought on by the unique features of a particular installation
and its environment (e.g. high light levels for optical tracking, high sound
levels for sonic tracking, high metallic distortion for magnetic tracking). If
not otherwise noted, all measurements and statements pertaining to tracker
performance shall be regarded as occurring in such a benign environment.
Built-In-Test features monitoring the status and health of the tracking
system as well as flagging of certain preset conditions monitored by the
tracking system software. Not to be confused with bit, a contraction of
binary digit.
Any procedure that rotates the receiver frame so as to precisely align the
receiver to the designated reference frame.
In a 3SPACE system context, the term usually refers to the system
software routine that, on command, performs a coordinate rotation, which
effectively aligns the receiver frame to a predefined boresight reference
Note that the boresight routine accomplishes the boresight orientation of
the receiver regardless of the receiver’s physical orientation at the instant
of boresight initiation. So, for applications that require the orientation
tracking of the body (or body member) to which the receiver is attached, a
prerequisite to initiating the boresight function is a physical orientation of
the body to be tracked to the boresight reference orientation.
Bits per second. Not to be confused with the signaling, or baud, rate,
which is always equal to or higher than the bit rate. (See baud rate.)
Compensation Data
A set of invariable data that allows the 3SPACE to compensate for fixed
distortions of the magnetic field due to the surrounding environment. The
compensation data generally results from an application-specific distortion
mapping procedure.