Design and planning
System Description Service Robotics Modules
| 79
Planning a restart after a protective stop
The system or plant integrator is obligated to take the situations for restart after a protective
stop into account in his risk analysis. The risk analysis must indicate whether an automatic
restart is permitted after the protective stop function has been reset (automatic/manual) or
whether the restart must be triggered manually.
The restart (automatic/manual) is configurable. The configuration is effective for both an ex-
ternal protective stop device "Protective stop external" and a PSENmlock (PSENmlock 1,
PSENmlock 2).
Automatic restart after a protective stop
If all the safety devices are enabled, the motion enable from the safety control system is
present and the protective stop function has been reset, an automatic restart is the result.
For an automatic restart, in the control cabinet the dedicated dual-channel configuration in-
put must be permanently connected to a 1-signal (see
Module A1.3, terminal 21 – Setting option protective stop external restart channel 1
Module A1.3, terminal 24 – Setting option protective stop external restart channel 2
For example, for a permanent 1-signal at terminal 21 and 24, a jumper can be placed
between terminal 21 and 22 (channel 1) and terminal 24 and 23 (channel 2) on module
Manual restart after a protective stop
If all the safety devices are enabled, the protective stop function has been reset and the
motion enable from the safety control system is present, a manual restart can be triggered.
In the control cabinet the dedicated dual-channel configuration input must not be connected
Connections for external devices [
Module A1.3, terminal 21 – Setting option protective stop external restart channel 1
Module A1.3, terminal 24 – Setting option protective stop external restart channel 2
For a manual restart, in the control cabinet a pushbutton must be connected to the dedic-
ated FS input:
Module A1.4, terminal 11 – Reset protective stop external OK
The restart is triggered when the signal at the FS input changes from 0 to 1.
The system or plant integrator is tasked with providing sufficient safety
when wiring and activating an FS input.