Chapter 3: Getting Started
Figure 3-4:
Installing the CPC324
Following is the installation procedure for the CPC324:
1. Configure the CPC324 as described in the following tables:
Table 3-2, “SW1 Settings,” on page 60
Table 3-3, “PTMC A /B Ethernet Port Configuration Options,” on page 61
Table 3-4, “SW2 Settings,” on page 62
Table 3-5, “SW3 Settings,” on page 62
Table 3-6, “SW4 Settings,” on page 63
Table 3-7, “BUSMODE Configuration Encoding,” on page 63
Table 3-8, “SW5 Settings,” on page 64
2. Select an available 6U, 32-bit (or 64-bit) CompactPCI slot.
3. Cock the ejector handles into the open position and slide the blade into the chassis. Ensure the front
plate on the blade mounts flush with the chassis panel opening by using the ejector/injector handle to
firmly seat the blade by locking the ejector/injector into the latched position.
When the blade makes contact with the CompactPCI backplane the blue hot-swap LED is illuminated
and the hardware connection process begins. When the hardware connection process is complete
the blue hot-swap LED turns OFF.
Blade Ejector
fully seated,
blade latched
in chassis.
The blue LED
will turn OFF in
30 seconds.
Blade Ejector
fully opened,
from chassis.
1.Insert blade
and the blue LED
turns ON.
2.Continue to
install the blade
and seat the
3.Blue LED will
turn OFF in
approximately 30
seconds after
diagnostic tests
are complete.
1.Open the ejector/
injector handle, but
not enough to actually
remove the blade. The
blue hot-swap LED
turns ON.
2.After the blue LED is
ON, continue to
remove the blade and
open the ejector.
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