890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Function Block Descriptions
To view the SETUP Menu, ADVANCED view level must be selected - SETUP::VIEW LEVEL.
Understanding the Function Block Description
The following function blocks show the parameter information necessary for programming the Drive.
The Default values in the pages below are correct for when the UK country code is selected and a 230V
2.2kW Frame B power board is fitted. Some parameters in the table are marked:
* Value dependent upon the Language field of the Product Code, e.g. UK
** Value dependent upon the overall “power-build”, e.g. 230V, 2.2kW
The values for these parameters may be different for your drive/application. Refer to Appendix D:
"Programming" - Product Related Default Values.
Parameter Descriptions Table: Sub-titles
Unique identification normally used for communications
Default The default value.
The range for the parameter value. Ranges for outputs are given as “—.xx %”, for
example, indicating an indeterminate integer for the value, to two decimal places.
Parameters marked with “*” are set to a value depending upon the “operating
frequency” of the drive. Refer to “Parameter Specification” - Frequency Dependent
Defaults; and Chapter 9: “The Keypad” - Changing the Product Code (3-button reset).