890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Definition of Working Environments
There are subtle differences in the environments defined in the standards. However, where there is any
doubt as to the appropriate classification, we will be glad to advise on a case-by-case basis.
Drive Specific
(Immunity) Category C1 (Emission)
Environment that includes Domestic premises.
It also includes establishments directly connected
without intermediate transformers to a low voltage
(<1000V-rms) supply network that also supplies
buildings used for domestic purposes.
(Immunity) Category C2 (Emission)
Environment that includes all establishments
other than those directly connected to a low
voltage (<1000V-rms) supply network that
supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Generic standards The environment encompassed by these standards is
residential, commercial and light industrial locations,
both indoor and outdoor. The following list, although
not comprehensive gives an indication of the locations
which are included
Residential properties, e.g. houses, apartments etc.;
Retail outlets, e.g. shops, supermarkets, etc.;
Business premises e.g. offices, banks etc.;
Industrial environments are characterised by
the existence of one or more of the following
Industrial ,scientific and medical (ISM)
apparatus is present
Heavy inductive or capacitive loads are
frequently switched
Currents and associated magnetic field are