Trips and Fault Finding
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
Viewing Trip Conditions (6901 keypad)
The following function blocks (MMI menus) can be viewed to investigate trip conditions:
Seq & Ref::Sequencing Logic
Trips::Trips History
Trips::Trips Status
Trips Status::Active Trips
Trips Status::Active Trips+
Trips Status::First Trip
Trips History::Trip 1 (NEWEST) to Trip 10 (OLDEST)
Viewing Trip Conditions (6511 keypad)
The following function blocks (MMI menus) can be viewed to investigate trip conditions:
Trips Status::Active Trips
Trips Status::Active Trips+
Trips Status::First Trip
Trips History::Trip 1 (NEWEST) to Trip 10 (OLDEST)