Safe Torque Off
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
X15/02 X15/03 X11/01 X11/03 X11/06 X14/03
890 STO
X11/02 X11/04 X11/05 X14/04
Applications that do not require STO function
Here the STO inputs X11/01 and X11/03 have been set to the inactive state (tied to +24V). Drive control is
performed solely through software with no inherent safety function. The drive is controlled with its own start and
stop pushbuttons.
Note: Only X11/02 or X11/4 must be earthed, i.e. they should not both be earthed otherwise it is possible to
create an earth loop.
STO inputs X11/01 and X11/03
must be connected to 24VDC with
respect to terminals X11/02 or
STO Status output on X11/05 and
X11/06 may be left disconnected.
All wiring shown is within the
control cubicle.