890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
tied to the Generic standards for the final application of our drives; we therefore continue to design, test and
certify our drives to these standards.
Who is Responsible?
Within a system the drive is considered to be a component. It remains the responsibility of the system
manufacturer to verify that the goals as defined in the EMC directive (essential requirements) are being
met. In practice this means that compliance to harmonised standards is sufficient to show compliance with
the directive.
All Parker SSD Drives’ products are tested to ensure compliance with the harmonised standards. However
it must be remembered that there is no guarantee that combinations of compliant components will result in a
compliant system. This means that compliance to harmonised standards will have to be demonstrated for
the system as a whole to ensure compliance with the directive.
Relevant Apparatus
- Parker SSD Drives Responsibility
Occasionally, say in a case where an existing fixed speed motor - such as a fan or pump - is converted to
variable speed with an add-on drive module
(relevant apparatu
s), it becomes the responsibility of Parker
SSD Drives to apply the CE mark and issue an EC Declaration of Conformity for the EMC Directive. This
declaration and the CE mark is included at the end of this chapter.
- Customer Responsibility
The majority of Parker SSD Drives’ products are classed as
and therefore we cannot apply the
CE mark or produce an EC Declaration of Conformity in respect of EMC. It is therefore the
manufacturer/supplier/installer of the higher system/apparatus or machine who must conform to the EMC
directive and CE mark.
When two or more EMC compliant components are combined to form the final machine/system, the
resulting machine/system may no longer be compliant, (emissions tend to be additive, immunity is
determined by the least immune component). Understand the EMC environment and applicable
standards to keep additional compliance costs to a minimum.