890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
General Installation EMC Considerations
Earthing Requirements
Protective earthing always takes precedence over EMC screening.
Protective Earth (PE) Connections
In accordance with installations to EN60204, only one protective earth conductor is permitted at each
protective earth terminal contacting point.
Local wiring regulations tale precedence and may require the protective earth connection of the motor to be
connected locally, i.e. not as specified in these instructions. This will not cause shielding problems because
of the relatively high RF impedance of the local earth connection.
EMC Earth Connections
For compliance with EMC requirements, we recommend that the “0V/signal ground” be separately earthed.
When a number of units are used in a system, these terminals should be connected together at a single, local
earthing point.
Control and signal cables for the encoder, all analogue inputs, and communications require screening with
the screen connected only at the VSD (Variable Speed Drive) end. However, if high frequency noise is still
a problem, earth the screen at the non-VSD end via a 0.1
F capacitor.
Connect the screen (at the VSD end) to the VSD protective earth point , and not to the control board