Keypad Menus
890CS Common Bus Supply - Frames B & D; 890CD Common Bus Drive and 890SD Standalone Drive - Frames E & F
For more information about these and additional parameters accessible using the DSE Configuration
Tool. Refer to Appendix D or the DSE Configuration Tool on the CD supplied with your drive.
The 890 menu system has been designed for use with the DSE Configuration Tool. Hence, the tool is the
preferred method of programming; however it is possible to edit some parameters using the keypad.
The parameters most likely to require attention are contained in the QUICK SETUP menu at level 1.
Saving Your Modifications
When parameter values are modified the new settings must be saved. The drive will not retain new settings
during power-down unless they have been saved. Refer to "Saving Your Application" if using the keypad.
The “Range” for a parameter value is given in the Configurable Parameters Table. Ranges for outputs
are given as “—.xx %”, for example, indicating an indeterminate integer for the value, to two decimal
The Default values in the pages below are correct for when the UK country code is selected and a 400V
30kW Frame E power board is fitted. Some parameters in the table are marked:
* Value dependent upon the Language field of the Product Code, e.g. UK
The values for these parameters may be different for your drive/application. Refer to Appendix D:
"Programming" - Product Related Default Values.