Clip Management: Continuous Playback of Clips by Inserting/Removing P2 Cards
If a P2 card is inserted in a slot after the current playback
position, the clips in the card will be played back
continuously in the normal playback order, which is slot
order. If a P2 card is inserted in a slot before the current
playback position, the clips are played back to slot 6, then
the clips are played back again from slot 1, including the
clips of the inserted P2 card.
Example when a P2 card is inserted in a slot after the
current playback position:
Example when a P2 card is inserted in a slot before the
current playback position:
You can remove a P2 card not being accessed to exclude
it from continuous playback, or to make a vacant slot for a
new P2 card to be played back continuously.
Example when a P2 card is removed from a slot after the
current playback position:
Normally clips are played back in slot order. However,
once playback of a clip recorded continuously with clips
on other P2 cards inserted in multiple slots starts, the clips
recorded continuously will be played back first, followed
by playback of the remaining clips in the current slot.
Example when a clip is recorded continuously in P2 cards
inserted in multiple slots:
(when clips A, B, C and D are recorded in order)
• If you remove the P2 card from slot 1 during playback of clip B
in the P2 card in slot 3 and reinsert it, clips are played back in
the order of the remaining clip B and clip D. Then the portion of
clip B in the card in slot 1 is played back again.
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Playback order: Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Slot 2
Slot 6
Slot 4
Slot 1
Playback order: Slot 2
Slot 4
Slot 6
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Slot 4
Playback order: Slot 2
Slot 4
Clip A
Playback order: Clip A
Clip B
Clip C
Clip D
Clip B
Clip C
Clip D
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Continuous recording in
slots 1 to 3