Applying Styles to Zones
Customizing OCR - 95
True Page
This style set retains as much text, paragraph, and page formatting as
possible. It contains one style called Auto Detect which tries to discern all
formatting automatically. True Page uses frames (formatting boxes) to
precisely lock the positions of the text and graphics within their zones.
Or, you can remove the frames and maintain the overall layout, yet gain
easier editing.
The True Page style set should only be used if your target application
(the application where a recognized document eventually ends up)
supports frame formatting. File formats that support frame formatting
have a TP in front of their names in the Save As dialog box. Even though
you remove frames while exporting, you still have a file format that
supports frames.
Typewriter Memo
This style set retains as much text, paragraph, and page formatting as
possible. Typewriter Memo is optimized for source material created on
a typewriter, or printed with a monospace font. Typewriter Memo does
not use frames to preserve page layout.
In addition to the built-in style sets, OmniPage Pro is shipped with a
number of sample style sets.
You can use only one style set for a particular page in a document.
However, different style sets can be used for different pages in the same
To select a style set for a page:
Make the Image View of the page active.