Bringing Document Images into OmniPage Pro
Processing Documents - 28
document if a document is not currently open. If a document is
currently open, the page images are added as new pages.
Loading Image Files
You can load TIFF and PICT image files into OmniPage Pro. An image
file is an electronic picture of text, such as a fax or scanned image, that is
saved in an image file format. After you load an image file into
OmniPage Pro, it appears in the Image View.
To load image files into OmniPage Pro:
Set Load Image as the command in the Image button’s pop-up
Click the Image button or choose Load Image... in the Process
The Load Image dialog box appears.
Open the folder where your image files are located.
Select the file you want to load and then click Add. Or, double-
click the file.
The file appears in the Selected Files list.
• To add all image files from an open folder, click Add All.
• To remove an image file from the Selected Files list, select the
file and then click Remove.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add image files from other folders. An
OmniPage Pro document can contain up to 999 images.
Click Load after you have selected all the files you want to load.
Image files are loaded in the order selected and combined into
one working document. If a document is currently open, the
image files are added as new pages.
Opening Documents
You can open image files and OmniPage Documents using the Open
command in the File menu.
This button
changes to
Load (from
Done) when a
file is added to
the Selected
Files list.