Customizing OCR - 93
Chapter 5
Customizing OCR
OmniPage Pro has many features that allow you to customize the way
your documents are handled during OCR. This chapter describes how
to create and use these tools.
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
• Applying Styles to Zones
• Specifying Zone Contents
• Creating Zone Templates
• Training OCR for Special Characters
• Creating User Dictionaries
• Creating Custom Settings Files
Applying Styles to Zones
Much like applying styles to paragraphs in your word processor,
OmniPage Pro allows you to apply styles to zones. During OCR, the
selected styles specify how recognized text is formatted.
A style set contains one or more zone styles. A zone style comprises
formatting elements such as fonts, text flow, and indentation. Different
zone styles can be applied to individual zones on a page.