naming cast members 136
creating basic controls 374
jumping and coming back 376
jumping to different locations 375
jumping to URL 376
markers 42
overview 373
using go command 375
NetConnection object (ActionScript) 309
netDone function 596
netError function 596
netID, setting 596
netLastModDate function 597
netMime function 598
netStatus function 600
NetStream object (ActionScript) 309
netTextResult function 597
obtaining data from 596
network operations
adapting Lingo for 598
canceling 596
checking 596
completing 598
downloading files with Lingo 597
retrieving results 597
See also browsers
New Action action 365
New Cast Member button 131
New Cast Member button, in 3D window 447
new features 14
newsprint shader 494
Next Cast Member button, in 3D window 447
Next Marker button 42
Next/Previous cast member buttons 134
node-relative vectors 524
nodes, defined 456, 482
normal vectors 477
normals, in mesh 477, 478, 479
Not Copy ink 183
Not Ghost ink 183
Not Reverse ink 183
Not Transparent ink 183
Novell networks, movies on 575
decimal 405
floating-point 405
numToChar function 381
object-relative model movement 487
obtaining data from a network 596
on new handler, creating 420
one-frame sprites, stretching 173
onion skinning
description of 234
registration points for 234
toolbar for 234
opacity of particles 479
arithmetic 408
comparison 409
definition of 390, 398
logical 409
precedence of 408
string 410
types of 408
optional keywords 392
overriding default collision behavior 523
Paint Brush tool (Paint window) 208, 213
paint tools
Air Brush 208, 212
Bucket 207
Eraser 207
Eyedropper 207
Foreground/Background Color control 209
Foreground/Destination Color control 224
Gradient 224, 225
Hand 207
Lasso 206, 211
Line Type/Other Line control 210
Magnifying Glass 207
Marquee 206, 211
Paint Brush 208, 213
Pencil 208
Registration 207
shape drawing tools 208
Text 207
Paint window
Effects toolbar 215
Ink pop-up menu 210
preferences 238
registration points 219
rulers 213
switching colors in a selection 218
using 206
zooming 214
Paint window inks 229
Страница 1: ...Using Director MX Macromedia Director MX...
Страница 12: ...Contents 12...
Страница 156: ...Chapter 4 156...
Страница 202: ...Chapter 6 202...
Страница 244: ...Chapter 7 244...
Страница 292: ...Chapter 10 292...
Страница 330: ...Chapter 12 330...
Страница 356: ...Chapter 13 356...
Страница 372: ...Chapter 14 372...
Страница 442: ...Chapter 16 442...
Страница 472: ...Chapter 18 472...
Страница 520: ...Chapter 19 520...
Страница 536: ...Chapter 20 536...
Страница 562: ...Chapter 23 562...
Страница 566: ...Chapter 24 566...
Страница 602: ...Chapter 27 602...