Thank you for choosing the general-purpose inverter of S900 E
series of multi-functions and high performance made by Machtric
Automation Equipment Co.,ltd.
Incorrect handing might cause an unexpected fault. Before using
the inverter, always read this instruction manual and the instruction
manual packed with the product carefully to use the equipment to its
Do not attempt to install, operate, maintain or inspect the inverter
until you have read through instruction manual and appended
documents carefully and can use the equipment correctly. Do not
use the inverter until you have a full knowledge of the equipment,
safety information and instructions. In this instruction manual the
safety instruction levels are classified into “Danger” and “Warning”,
please pay special attention to the symbols “
Danger ” and “
Warning” and their relevant contents.
Danger” Assumes that incorrect handing may cause hazardous
conditions,resulting in death or severe injury.
Warning” Assumes that incorrect handing may cause hazardous
conditions, resulting in medium or slight injury, or may cause
physical damage only.
The figures in this instruction manual are for convenience with
description, they may have slight differences compared to the
product, and the product update can also cause slight differences
between the figure and product, the actual sizes are subject to
actual products.
Please read carefully the operation manual before putting the
inverter to use so as to correctly install and operate the inverter,
give full play to its functions and ensure the safety. Please keep
the operation manual handy for future reference, maintenance,
inspection and repair.
If you have any questions, please contact us or our agents in time,
you will always receive our best attention.