Before using this function, perform pairing (registration of a device).
If the mobile phone connected through Bluetooth receives a phone call, regardless of the band selected at that
time, "CL" is displayed and blinked and the ringtone is output from the speakers.
Even when this radio component is OFF, it automatically turns ON when receiving a phone call, and then displays
and blinks "CL", and outputs the ringtone.
With the radio component receiving a phone call, press [UP] key to answer the phone call.
If the telephone number for which incoming call rejection has been performed is received, the radio component
does not enter the communication status but changes to the band selected before receiving the phone call.
During the telephone conversation, by pressing [DOWN] key, the conversation is finished and the radio component
changes to the status before receiving the phone call.
Moreover, by pressing [PRESET 6] key, the microphone can be turned OFF/ON.
When the microphone is turned OFF, input of the speaker’s voice is stopped.
The previous turning OFF of the microphone is not stored. It is canceled by every time.
(In case that selected band is FM1)
Call received
Call rejected
Frequency display
(When stereo sound is received,
"ST" pict turns on)
“TA” (Talking) blinking display
(Speaker's voice stops being input)
“CL” (Calling) blinking display
"TA" (Talking) blinking display
Frequency display
(When stereo sound is received,
"ST" pict turns on)
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