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aspersky Internet Security 6.0
You can add advanced settings for the following verdicts,
among others:
(injects into program processes). For this verdict,
you can give a name, mask, or complete path to the object
being injected into (for example, a .dll file) as an additional
exclusion condition.
Opening Internet Browser
. For this verdict, you can list
browser open settings as additional exclusion settings.
For example, you blocked browsers from opening with
certain settings in the Proactive Defense application activity
analysis. However, you want to allow the browser to open
for the domain
with a link from
Microsoft Office Outlook as an exclusion rule. To do so,
select Outlook as the exclusion
Internet Browser
as the
, and enter an allowed
domain mask in the
Advanced settings
4. Define which Kaspersky Internet Security components will use this
rule. If any is selected, this rule will apply to all components. If you
want to restrict the rule to one or several components, click on any,
which will change to selected. In the window that opens, check the
boxes for the components that you want this exclusion rule to apply
To create an exclusion rule from a program notice stating that it has detected a
dangerous object:
1. Use the Add to trusted zone link in the notification window (see fig. 10).