11.2. "Empty the unit" menu
Do not drain the bath fluid while it is hot or cold !
Store and dispose the used bath fluid according to the laws for
environmental protection.
Please also see the separate operating manual „
Highly Dynamic Temperature Control System“
The drain nozzle and the drain
screw are located at the bottom of
the unit behind the ventilation grid.
Slide a short piece of tubing onto
the drain port (7).
12 mm inner dia. tubing.
Place a suitable container for
catching the liquid under the unit.
After the mechanical preparations the unit is drained menu-driven
via the user interface.
The ticker in the display reports the
start of the automatic draining
The setpoint is adjusted to 20.00°C.
As soon as a temperature of 20
(± 10 K) is reached the ticker text
will change and prompts the
draining of the unit.
Unscrew the drain screw (8) by
some turns.
Automatic draining mode active. Wait until the medium
temperature has reached the adjusted setpoint.
Automatic draining mode finished. You can drain the unit now.
As the liquid drains, the unit will
emit first the low-level warning
(warning 40) and then the low-level
alarm (alarm 1, red).