EProg - Input
Setting is necessary if
1. the Setpoint is to be set via an external voltage or current
source or programmer
For this, in the menu >
Connect unit
<, first set the menu item
external setpoint
< to >EProg<.
2. the heater variable should be controlled via an external control
For this, in the menu >
Connect unit
<, set the menu item >
Actuating variable
.< to >EProg<.
The EProg input can only be used either under menu item >
external setpoint
< or under menu item >
Actuating variable
Connect the external voltage or current source or programmer
to the REG+E-PROG socket of the unit.
Select input variable (value): (Step 1 see below)
in °C or °F
in %
Selecting the signal: (Step 1 see below)
voltage input
current input
The programmer (EPROG) input of the unit can be matched to
the output signal of the external voltage or current source.
Set >Lower value<: (Step 2 see below)
Set the desired lower value at the external signal generator
and wait for approx. 30 seconds.
Then set this value also via the numeric keypad of the unit and
confirm by pushing
Set >Upper value<: (Step 3 see below)
Set the desired upper value at the external signal generator
and wait for approx. 30 seconds.
Then also set this value via the numeric keypad of the unit and
confirm by pushing