"Connect unit" menu
Select Watchdog
Activation of the watchdog function:
1st Adjust the >Watchdog as described on page 56.
2nd Set the desired interface in the >Remote control< menu.
3rd In the >Actuating variable< menu, choose between
>Controller< or >Digital< .
Choose >
< to define a setpoint (temperature).
Choose >
< to define a variable
4th The interface command – out_sp_06 – sets a watchdog
The watchdog function is activated as soon as a valid working
temperature setpoint or a valid variable is received via
The values are valid (plausible) providing they lie between the
upper temperature limit and the lower temperature limit.
(Refer to „ Safety adjustments" menu page 46)
If the temperature control system does not receive a valid
command for an extended period of time (> set timeout time),
the watchdog function is triggered.