IDS X-Series Training v2.7 | Global Settings
Location 12: Cross-Zone Delay Time
Location Type: Standard
Zones can be set to trigger only after two sets of options have been fulfilled. These are, Time (Location 12)
& number of violations (Location 13), the number of violations must happen within the time set. If this does
not happen the system will reset both these counters.
Cross-zone delay time is the time that the violations must take place within, before a violation is triggered.
Data Format: mmss
Valid Range: 0000 - 5959
Default: 0030
Note: Each zone must be enabled to be part of the cross-zone group. (Location 101 to 164
depending on the zone number)
If the cross-zone delay time is set for 30 seconds and location 13 cross-zone delay count, below,
is set to 2, then when the zone violates the first time the system begins a 30 second timer waiting
for the second violation. If the second violation does not happen the timer resets waiting for the
next violation to start the countdown. But if the second violation does happen within the 30 second
count down the alarm will be triggered.
Location 13: Cross-Zone Delay Count
Location Type: Standard
This is the number of times the zone must violate within the time set in location 12, Cross-zone delay time,
Valid Range: 1 -15
Default: 3
Note: Each zone must be enabled to be part of the cross-zone group. (Location 101 to 164
depending on the zone number)