Appendix L - List of Terms
– Appendix : List of Terms
600-series is the model name for the Galaxy hardware equipment (controller, circuit
boards, etc.). 600-series boards are not interchangeable with other Galaxy models. 600
hardware is supported in SG 8.1 or later. Depending on the software version you may or
may not have 508i hardware co-exist on the same jobsite but cannot be mixed in the
same loop with 600 hardware.
Board ID
600-series boards must be assigned a valid
Board ID
that matches the Board ID at the
software. All boards in the same unit/controller should have
board IDs.
Duplicate Board ID’s will cause equipment operation problems.
Client Gateway
GCS_Client Gateway service -
see GCS_Client Gateway Service.
A virtual loop - a group of 600-series controllers that communicate with each other using
the Event Server Service. There can be more that one cluster assigned to an Event
Server, but a cluster cannot be split between two Event Servers.
Cluster ID
600-series controller CPU boards must be assigned a valid Cluster ID that matches the
Cluster ID at the software. This cluster ID is important to establishing maintaining
connectivity on the network (LAN/WAN). All controllers in the same cluster should have
the same Cluster ID.
Communication Service
(Comm Service)GCS_Communication service - see GCS_Communication Service.
- Central Processing
There is a minimum of one CPU in every 600-series controller. The CPU sends and
receives communications with daughter boards (i.e. DPI, DIO, DSI, etc.)
Daughter boards
Daughter boards refers to the
boards to the CPU. Daughter boards are the
DPI, DIO, DSI, Relay board, etc.
Database engine
System Galaxy 8 uses MS-SQL 2005 Express by default. SG also interfaces with MSDE
2000 and SQL 2000 Enterprise.
DBWriter Service
Common term for the GCS_DBWriter service - see GCS_DBWriter Service.
- Digital Input/Output
The DIO is a
board in the 600-series controller. It connects to input and output
devices and uses relay logic to activate outputs.
Dual Port Interface
Reader board.
The DPI is a
board in the 600-series controller. It connects to readers, locks,
request to exit devices, etc.
- Dual Serial
Interface board.
The DSI is a
board in the 600-series controller. It connects to clocks or other
devices that use RS-232 or RS-485 connection types.
Event message(s)
Event messages are the incoming events from the field devices that are wired to the
controllers, such as valid access or invalid access from a card reader.
Event Server
The computer that runs the GCS Event Service, this is typically the same computer as
the Communication Server but the Event Server can be a separate computer if needed.
Event Service
See GCS Event Service