STEP 6. Program the 635 CPU Board
Configuring the CPU Board can be done from a Web Browser via the Embedded Web Page. Using the
Configuration Tool will allow you to find the controllers by their MAC address as long as the door is open
(tamper switch open) and they are on the same network segment as your PC/Laptop. You can still connect
to the serial programming port of the CPU using a standard RS232 serial cable using Putty or similar tool
HyperTerminal® ( a serial programming cable that is supplied with the controller).
If you need to make a serial cable, the instructions are found in Chapter 1 CPU Programming Requirements.
6.1 Connecting to the CPU Board via Putty® or HyperTerminal®
1. Connect the serial programming cable
o PC com port and the
serial port on 635 CPU.
2. Start a HyperTerminal Session
on the PC using the following parameters:
Bits per Second
Data Bits
Stop Bits
Flow Control
The HyperTerminal session will display a blank screen at this point.
3. Apply power to the CPU board
by plugging in the orange power connector from the wiring
harness to J6 / J7.
4. Type “install” at the login prompt to begin programming session.
Typing “config” then
press ENTER, then type “0” and press ENTER, will allow the user to program the CPU. The
“boards” command displays a list of boards that are currently online on the I2C buss. The
“help” command will display a list of valid commands.
When prompted, you must type “yes” lower case to save the configuration –
you can
cycle back around by reissuing the CONFIG command if you miss-keyed or skipped a field. If you do
not save your programming, the board will lose the settings the next time it is power failed.
login: install
635 Control Module
System was WARM started