5 Control Panel Menus
Fault Time-out
Sets the amount of time the printer waits for displaying an error. If a time-out
occurs during error status, it restores the printer from the error.
• [3 Seconds] to [300 Seconds] (default: [60 Seconds])
Specify the time-out value in 1 second increments.
• [Off]
Disables the fault time-out.
Job Time-out
Sets the amount of time the printer waits for a print job. If a time-out occurs
during data reception, the printer stops the reception and prints the data that
has been received.
• [5 Seconds] to [300 Seconds] (default: [30 Seconds])
Specify the time-out value in 1 second increments.
• [Off]
Disables the job time-out.
Auto Job History
Sets whether to automatically print a report on the completed print jobs ([Job
History Report]).
• [Off] (default)
Does not automatically print the [Job History Report].
• [On]
Automatically prints the [Job History Report] when the number of print jobs
processed reaches 20.
• You cannot set this during printing.
• You can print the [Job History Report] from the [Report / List] menu.
• You need to restart the printer to activate the new settings. After making the
settings, switch the printer off and then on again.
Print ID
Prints a user ID on the specified location.
• [Off] (default)
Does not print a user ID.
• [Top Left]
Prints a user ID on the top left corner of paper.
• [Top Right]
Prints a user ID on the top right corner of paper.
• [Bottom Left]
Prints a user ID on the bottom left corner of paper.
• [Bottom Right]
Prints a user ID on the bottom right corner of paper.
Print Text
Sets whether the printer outputs PDL data, which is not supported by the
printer, as text when the printer receives it. Text data is printed on A4 or Letter
size paper.
• [On] (default)
Prints the received data as text data.
• [Off]
Does not print the received data.
Banner Sheet
Specifies the settings for the banner sheet.
• [Insert Position] (default: [Off])
Selects the position to output the banner sheet from [Off], [Start Sheet],
[End Sheet], and [Start&End Sheet]. When [Off] is selected, the banner
sheet is not printed.
• [Select Tray] (default: [Tray 1])
Specifies the tray from which the banner sheet is output: [Tray 1] or [Tray 2].
• [Tray 2] is displayed only when the optional 250 Sheet Feeder is installed.