The device consists of a stand and a case, on the outside of which there are three racks
with 16 LEDs in each. On the case itself, there is a connector for the charger, a service button
and a power button. Three IR-emitters are mounted on the top cover, another 3 are mounted
in the upper part of the case on three sides, providing a circular effect on the kits of players.
There is an electronic board with an infrared receiver, a speaker and batteries inside the case.
The goal of the Domination Box is to record its “capture” by players of different teams,
summarize the total capture time or the number of hits in the DB infrared receiver and
determine the winner.
Device settings and control are performed in the ARENA program via the Wi-Fi channel
(chapter 10.1.1. of this manual).
The Smart Domination box has three operating modes: standby, game and service.
Standby Mode
Upon power-up, the Domination Box switches to the standby mode. Two central LEDs
are lit with the color of the current DB mode. To find out the battery’s charge level in this
mode you should press and release the service button. The number of glowing purple LEDs
will indicate the battery charge: 16 LEDs - 100%, 8 - 50%, etc.
Game Mode
The domination box can work in 5 display modes ("Capture for time"; "Capture with
shots"; "Tug of war"; "Triple capture" and "Raise the flag"), each of which is configured either
by the number of shots or by time DB holding required to determine the winner of the
round. Indication of the settings is carried out by the glow of 10 central LEDs. The color of
their glow corresponds to a certain mode, which is displayed in a sticker placed on the device
In the capture modes for time, you can set the timer for 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, and 30
In the modes of capture by shots, the number of hits in the device receiver is set from
50 to 500 in increment of 50.
Hitting zone
Power indicator
Service button
Power button
Indicator bars
Charging slot
Smart Domination Box general view