Players assignment
After the kits are connected to the server and the information about them in the status
bar of gaming devices and selecting a scenario appears, it is necessary to assign the players
to teams.
The simplest method - is to drag the icon of connected kit into a team column
of selected color. For this, it is necessary to select a location from kit ID in the
game devices status panel (rightmost) and click by the right mouse button to
the status icon and, holding the button drag icon to a necessary column.
Therewith, the blaster loud speaker produces a system signal and kit will
change the selected color of sensors lighting. The kits may be "flipped" between
the columns in the same way or be returned to the right panel.
If using another method it is necessary to click on the sign "+" in the column of selected
team by left mouse button. Window with a list of active currently and unengaged kits in
other teams will appear. Left button click will add a player to the team when rollover to the
selected kit ID. The procedure shall be repeated for remained players in the selected
The players may be assigned automatically. For this, it is enough just to click the icon,
and program will arrange players by teams at random. Arrangement may be coordinated, if
Click the right mouse button on the kit ID to remove the player from the column. In
the window that appears, select the inscription "Delete" and click the left mouse button.
In this window, you can use the button to delete all kits from the team columns at
the same time.
Assignment of players by teams applying Drag and-Drop