Arena program tab “TV Out server”
Save changes by clicking on the “Apply” button.
Enter computer IP and port number
On the Android device, connect to THE LASERTAG Wi-Fi network by entering the
password 2015LT2015 (the hotspot name and password may be different,
depending on the router settings - see chap.8).
In the ARENA program, in the TV OUT server (System Preferences/Settings) field,
use the green and red marks to select whether or not to display the game timer
and IP camera in the LaserTagStatistic program window. In order to automatically
turn on statistics broadcasting when the "Arena" program starts, you must select
the green label for the “Auto power on” item.
If the number of players is such that information about them does not fit in the
LaserTagStatistic program window, the display is divided into several groups, the
frequency of which is set in the "Display players delay" field (0-10 sec.)
Now, after starting the game in the ARENA program, the game statistics will be
displayed on the screen of the android device, and the broadcast will be carried out in the
language selected in the settings of the ARENA program.
Switching to the “Game Scenes” window in the ARENA program, you can select the
type of statistics display - tabular or tiled, by clicking on the icon at the bottom.
IP address and port number
for recording in
LaserTagStatistic settings
“Apply” button